Pink roses in bloom

Infertility Treatment

Acupuncture has been used for centuries in the treatment of women's gynecological conditions. Among these conditions one of the most important has been infertility. Acupuncture can effectively treat gynecological problems leading to infertility that have received a conventional medical diagnosis, such as PCOS, as well as those situations in which there is unexplained infertility.

The length of the course of treatment varies in each case, but in general, we advise planning on three to six months of two to four times per month treatment at minimum. This will see the patient through 3-6 menstrual cycles, a minimum in terms of seeing positive changes there. Women who are seeking to conceive without any conventional medical assistance, as well as those using IUI or IVF are welcome to my practice.

Diet and lifestyle can be factors along with age and any possible genetic conditions. All of these will be looked at in your initial comprehensive evaluation. Having practiced in the Cleveland area since 2002 I have many valuable colleagues in related fields to whom I refer when appropriate.

If you become pregnant, I do treat pregnant women for various issues such as nausea, fatigue and sciatica. You should ask your practitioner if she or he is willing to treat pregnant women if you are in the process of deciding on an acupuncturist.
Male factor infertility can account for as much as 15% of infertility issues. Depending on the cause, this is also a condition that can respond to acupuncture. Here treatment course can vary greatly as with women, so an in-depth evaluation would be necessary to determine a probable length of treatment.

For the emotional stress of infertility or other family issues, I recommend Clinical Counselor, Liz O’Donnell, Ph.D, a specialist in the field. You can view her website at

Please feel free to call me with any questions you might have about acupuncture treatment for infertility.

Have Questions?

Please feel free to call me with any questions you might have about acupuncture treatment for infertility. You can also take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions page to find some answers.

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