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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Acupuncture a part of Asian medicine?

Yes, Asian Medicine as it exists today draws on knowledge gleaned from over two thousand years of practice and scholarship. Modern day research being done in China, Japan, Korea, Europe and the United States also has enhanced the current practice of acupuncture. Acupuncture and herbal therapy along with diet and exercise are important components of Asian Medicine that may be used to treat the symptoms as well as the root of an illness, or to help prevent development of disease.

The theory is based on a system of meridians, or pathways through which vital energy or Qi (pronounced chee) flows. Because disease can occur when there are interruptions or imbalances in this flow, the placement of acupuncture needles along these meridians can influence and correct the movement of the energy. 

To find the underlying imbalance of a disease, a practitioner will take a medical history and ask a series of questions about the symptoms. Then by taking the pulse, examining the tongue, and palpating the abdomen, the practitioner will come to a diagnosis from the perspective of Asian Medicine.

Are There Different Styles of Acupuncture?

Acupuncture has developed in diverse ways as it has traveled throughout the world. Styles may differ in their methods of diagnosis, the area of the body needled, the depth of insertion, and the length of time the needles are retained. Adjunctive treatments such as infrared heat, cupping, and gua sha can also be effectively used to complement acupuncture.

Originally trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, I have since concentrated my additional studies in Classical Chinese Medicine, Korean Hand Therapy, and Sasang constitutional dietary therapy. A love of learning and a heartfelt connection to wanting to help patients in the best way possible has led me to these therapies.

Is Acupuncture safe?

Only sterile disposable needles are used. Overall, it is a very safe method of treatment if performed by a qualified professional.

Is Acupuncture Painful?

Most people do not find the insertion of the hair fine needles painful. The slight sensation upon insertion can be likened to a pinch or a mosquito bite. Once the needles are in there may be a tingling, numbness, or heaviness in the area; these are all signs that the needles are starting to do their work.

What Can I Expect?

The initial evaluation and treatment consists of an in-depth intake followed by an acupuncture treatment. Follow-up sessions consist of a brief intake followed by a treatment in which needles are retained for approximately forty minutes. Usually, you will be lying on a comfortable padded table that allows you easily to relax. Often patients will fall into a light sleep during the session.

The needles may be placed on the extremities, head, back, or abdomen according to the problem addressed.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Although some people respond well to only one treatment, a course of treatments is recommended. In general, the longer you have had a condition, the longer it will take to show substantial, lasting results.

Informational Consultations

Fifteen-minute informational consultations are available, free of charge, to determine if acupuncture might be an appropriate treatment for your condition. These are available by appointment only please.



Preparing For Your Visit

Please fill out the following form before your visit:

Health History Form